Politician, like a mad man sometimes speak a true word, but you
watch him, he will soon add something to it that will tell you his mind is
spoilt.- Achebe
Their message on Valentines day:
Raila (Dr of vitendawili): Valentine is a creation of the media. Wasn't consulted. the red colour means tna rigging
We sought Valentine messages from our political leaders as it
is thoughtful to get their insights always. They spoke highly on Valentine and love but clearly they added somethings
that proved a Kenyan politician will remain just that -- a politician. As Chinua Achebe, he of the ‘a Man of the People’ once said, a mad
man sometimes speak a true word, but you watch him, he will soon add something
to it that will tell you his mind is spoilt.
Today, comparing our rugged politics and rogue politicians, I wonder
which defines us more.
(The Valentine Message below in no particular order):
“Let me tell you. I have a track record in
Valentinediction. This being a jubilee
valentine, it is not going to be done by GUESSWORK or analogue people. It is going to be done by PERFORMERS who
believe in KUPENDA na KUTEMA.
In 1984 at the age of 18, while at
class seven studying civics education, I learnt of Ntimama and Kosgey showering
flowers during valentines in analogue manner until now. We are going to have an online Valentine with
our significant others and groupies.
Those guys of VITENDAWILI and
NUSU-MKEKA are not going to get any flower or follower or lover. We are going to win dates and fiancés on the
first round.
And let me tell you. We are going to put over 2 acres of land of
flowers on IRRIGATION and nobody
will be hungry of love or thirsty of
valentines love.
RAILA (Dr of vitendawili)
First let me say Valentine is the
creation of the media. There is no where
it was said valentine is a day of those with fiancés or lovers. When Kibaki agreed on this, I was not
CONSULTED. And therefore as cord we
reject that valentine day.